Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Adventures of Jonas Kash Dunn!

Here are some new pictures, finally! I will try to run you through all of them. First we have Jonas with 2 pacifiers in his mouth, he thinks that is hilarious! A fun trick his mommy taught him! Then we have Jonas on his new pony for the 1st time. Brandon's dad and sisters came to visit us from Tennesse 2 weeks ago. This is what they brought with them, Chico, the pony! We also celebrated my birthday on the 5, my family & church family meet at Los Tres for dinner. It was fun, but Jonas was not on his best behavior that night!! Oh well, maybe next year he will be better:o) Then we have Jonas & Eric at the Central fall fest. That was a lot of fun. Jonas spent most of the night at Mrs. Bussey's cake walk, dancing to the music. He loved it! Then we have Jonas reading his book on the plane trip home from Pennsylvania. The family I nannied for in Lawton flew us up to visit. Jonas rode an airplane for the first time. He did great, but I also gave him benadryl to help him take a nap on the planes. That was a big help. He flew in my lap, so normally under those circumstance he would want DOWN. Don't misunderstand, he still did, but with the added help of my friend benadryl, he did not put up as much of a fight and went to sleep! The last two pictures are of Jonas in my bathroom sink. He likes to crawl up there and put on my beads if I am brushing my teeth, or fixing hair or something. It is pretty funny. I am sure his dad is so proud! :o) Jonas is doing wonderful. He is talking up a storm, even if we don't know what he is saying all of the time. He is doing great communicating with sign language also. He has gotten some of the basics down. He has learned how to open our front screen door, which is fun! If you are not careful he is outside before you know it! And he loves to ride his new pony. He is quite the little cowboy! So long for now, until our next adventures!
God Bless!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

LONG overdue

I finally remembered to come & upload pics today, & this silly thing won't let me. Some sort of technical error. I promise I will try again tomorrow. Jonas has LOTS of pictures to share! He is ever growing into a awesome young man. We can't wait to share our latest pictures with everyone. God bless and will try again later!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Saturday, August 11, 2007

We have a new camera!

I just wanted to tell everyone we are back! We have been blessed with a AWESOME new camera! So here are just a few pics of Jonas I have taken in the past few days as I have been learning to use the new camera. Jonas is doing great! Running everywhere, talking about everything, a dancing machine, and always wanting to go outside! He is always excited to see his papa coming to give him a ride on the tractor! We will have many more pictures and updates to come.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Here are some more wonderful pictures that Emily took. Thank you! Jonas was having a blast on the fourth of July! He really enjoyed the mud!!! And might I add, he surprised me with a little more of it the next day when I changed his diaper, if ya know what I mean! He is SUCH a big boy now. He loves to point and ask, "What's that?" He asks, over & over again. And about everything! He knows what a lot of the animals say, and much, much more! He is really saying a lot of words, and communicating so well. He is a joy! And a busy boy!

Here are some long overdue pictures our birthday party, thanks to our friend Emily! Since we are still without camera. We had a WONDERFUL time, and so did Jonas! I think John Deere stock took a big jump that day with all the JD toys that were purchased for him!!! He loves all of his wonderful gifts and more importantly, loved having all his family and friends around him!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Birthday Invitation

Jonas is having his first birthday party soon! We are really looking forward to it. It will be on June 23rd at 5pm, here at our home. We would love to have everyone there to celebrate with us. (Jonas' actual birthday is on the 20th, but we are having his party the sat. after)
Jonas has gotten another tooth on the bottom. This makes 7! He is doing great. Walking like a semi-pro now. I have been enjoying being a stay at home mom the past week and a half. It is a dream come true for me! Jonas and I have been having a great time, swimming, playing outside, cooking, eating dirt, all sorts of good stuff! He is growing so fast, and is a very persistent little guy. And I love so much being his mom!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

We Are Walking!!!

Yep, Jonas has started walking, our world is forever changed! He took his first steps two days before he turned 11 months. He is doing even better now, walking farther and better everyday. I do have some bad news though, I dropped my digital camera and broke it!!! So we are without pictures and video for the time being.
I am almost done with work. I work next tuesday & wednesday then I will be finished. I am excited and looking forward to being a stay at home mom!